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You are also able to choose a military or a mining server.
Richtung - militärisch-wirtschaftliche Strategie in Echtzeit. Sie interagieren mit Tausenden von Spielern in Echtzeit Sie entwickeln Ihre Stadt, treiben Handel, schließen Allianzen und führen Kriege. Sie können zwischen dem Kriegs- und dem Bergbauserver wählen.
Estrategia militar y económica en línea. De género es una estrategia militar y económica en tiempo real. Usted coopera con miles de jugadores en el modo de tiempo real desarrolla su ciudad, comercia, concierta alianzas y guerrea. Tiene la posibilidad de elegir el servidor militar o el minero.
Stratégie militaire et économique en ligne. Il y a la possibilité de choisir le serveur de combat ou le serveur de mineur.
You are also able to choose a military or a mining server.
Lei interagisce con migliaia di giocatori in regime del tempo reale, sviluppa la propria città, commerci al mercato, stringe alleanze e combatte nelle guerre.
Жанр - военно-икономическа стратегия в реално време. Вие взаимодействате с хиляди играчи в режим на реално време - развивате своя град, извършвате търговия, сключвате съюзи и провеждате войни. Вие имате възможност да изберете боен или миньорски сървър.
Žánr válečně-ekonomická strategie v režimu reálného času. Spolupracujete s tisíci hráčů v režimu reálného času, rozvijete své město, obchodujete, vytváříte svazy a vedete války. Existuje možnost výběru bojového nebo hornického serveru.
Жанр - военно-экономическая стратегия в реальном времени. Вы взаимодействуете с тысячами игроков в режиме реального времени развиваете свой город, ведете торговлю, заключаете союзы и ведете войны. Есть возможность выбрать боевой или шахтерский сервер.
You are also able to choose a military or a mining server.
WELCOME TO MISSING LINK GAMES. Our passionate team is made up of veterans and innovators within the video game industry who have collectively published over 120 games covering all platforms. You and your team no longer have to work side jobs to finish your project. We can help you dedicate full time to do what you love to do. We will make sure even the aliens will reach word of your game.
Friday, August 26, 2011. I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies this week, and of course I had to share them with Cole. Do you want some too? I think I need a cookie now. Saturday, August 13, 2011.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Over the years, for the few followers of this blog, you have watched me write, stop, write again, stop, and write some more. Well, the stopping is over, at least for now. I am doing NaNo again this year and I am determined to complete it. To help support NaNo and all of their great programs.